Societ脿 Italiana di Economia
The 66th Annual Conference of the Italian Economic Association (Societ脿 Italiana di Economia-SIE) will be held at the University of Naples Parthenope from October 23 to 25, 2025. The conference will include several parallel sessions on topics related to theoretical and applied economics.
Paper submission
Submitting authors can upload their paper as a PDF file between February 10, 2025 and April 30, 2025 at the following link:
Papers must include an abstract of no more than 200 words, keywords and the primary JEL classification. Authors will be notified of paper acceptance by May 31, 2025. Each author can submit only one paper. Accepted papers will be included in the final program only after registration to the conference and payment of the participation fee. Registration must be completed by June 30, 2025.
Submission to the Italian Economic Journal
Papers presented at the Conference can be submitted to the Italian Economic Journal (ItEJ), the official Journal of the Italian Economic Association. Manuscripts accepted into the programme and presented at the Conference will be sent directly to the reviewers.
Registration fee
The registration fee for the Conference is 230 euros for all participants; the conference fee for doctoral students and post-doc is 70 euros. The conference fee includes the 2025/26 membership fee to the association. The registration fee is a prerequisite for the paper to be included in the final programme. The fee covers all printed material, coffee breaks, the welcome cocktail and lunch. Participation in the social dinner must be booked online at the time of registration at the cost of 40 euros.
Via Acton 38
80133 Naples , Italia