18th South-Eastern European Economic Research Workshop, 19-20 November 2024, Tirana, Albania.





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Bank of Albania has the pleasure to announce its 18th South-Eastern European Economic Research Workshop (SEE-ERW), which will take place on 19 and 20 November 2024, in Tirana, Albania.

The main aim of this workshop is to bring together central bankers, academics, market practitioners and policymakers from the SEE region and around the world to present and discuss their latest empirical research in economics and finance. The workshop aims to develop long-term collaborative relationships and encourage interaction among participants in their fields of interests. In line with our tradition, the workshop is open to multidisciplinary research and welcomes theoretical and empirical contribution on central bank relevant topics.

Suggested topics:

  • Global challenges for domestic monetary and fiscal policy in an uncertain inflation and interest rate environment. 
  • Supply, demand and the economy wide structural changes in post-pandemic economies and their policy implications. 
  • The role of digitalization and innovation in transforming financial markets, risks and opportunities.
  • Income, wealth and inflation inequality, their implications for central bank policies.
  • Demographics and labor market structural changes and their impact on monetary and fiscal policies.
  • Transition towards sustainable practices, role of financial market and central bank. How to measure the impact and optimize CB policies? 
  • Housing market risks, macro financial stability and the role of monetary and macro prudential policies. 
  • Currency composition of international reserves, experiences from developed developing countries. 

    Authors interested in presenting their research, are welcome to submit extended abstracts (300–500 words including the title, keywords, JEL classification, authors’ names and affiliation) or, preferably, full drafts of papers and a short bio, to BoAresearchworkshop@bankofalbania.org. The submission deadline is 20 September 2024. In your submission, please tell us whether you would like also to act as a discussant of another paper presented in the workshop.

Submitted papers will be reviewed by our Selection Committee, which will notify the authors of accepted papers by 30 September 2024.

Final papers and the PowerPoint Presentations should be sent no later than November 11, 2024 to BoAresearchworkshop@bankofalbania.org.

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Sheshi Skenderbej, Nr. 1, Tirana

355 Tirana , Albania