Financial education Why, what works, what doesn’t and for whom: call for papers





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The conference focuses on the scientific and practical aspects of financial education, emphasizing its role in financial well-being, inclusion, market development, and economic prosperity. It aims to assess best practices in financial literacy through a multidisciplinary approach, engaging academia and policymakers. Topics include financial education’s macro and microeconomic impacts, teaching methodologies, financial inclusion, digital finance, gender issues, and sustainability. The event features keynote lectures, invited papers, and contributed papers.

Key Dates:

  • Submission Deadline: March 31, 2025
  • Acceptance Notification: April 30, 2025
  • Registration Deadline: May 19, 2025

Submissions of papers and extended abstracts are welcome:

Organized by Politecnico di Milano and Bank of Italy

The conference has a scientific but very concrete cut. The objective of the conference is twofold: first, analyse the importance of financial literacy in supporting financial well-being, financial inclusion, financial market development and enabling a wider economic prosperity.  Second, review concrete experiences, comparing what worked and what didn't and for whom. The aim is to have an international conference on best practices in financial education with a multidisciplinary scientific approach involving academia and policy-makers. The ultimate goal is to grow the scientific community that deals with these issues in Italy and at the international level.

Financial education includes topics such as: macroeconomic and microeconomic impacts of financial literacy, impact analysis of financial education experiences, innovative teaching methodologies, pedagogical profiles of financial education, social security finance, education on economics and sustainability issues, financial education experiences for adults, financial inclusion, digital&finance divide, gender issues and financial knowledge measurement.

The conference includes two keynote lectures, invited papers and contributed papers.

Deadline for submission of contributed papers: March 31, 2025
Notification of acceptance: April 30, 2025
Conference registration: May 19, 2025

Keynote Speakers: 

Carmela Aprea, University of Mannheim

Luigi Guiso, Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance, Rome

More Information





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Piazza Leonardo Da Vinci 32

20149 Milan , Italy