During the last ten years the Department of Political Science has developed
into a large and well-functioning department at the University of Copenhagen
with approximately 1500 students, and 300 exchange and guest students from
abroad visiting every year. The number of applicants to the degree programmes
is extremely high, and this has led to a situation in which the average
grades required from high school are among the highest in Denmark.
The faculty consists of approximately 50 professors, associate professors and
assistant professors. Moreover, the department has about 30 enrolled doctoral
students. There are 20 administrators.
The Department of Political Science was founded in 1960 but at that time it
was called the Department of Contemporary History and Political Science. From
1965 the first cohort of MA students enrolled in the department. From 1991
graduates were awarded the title of cand. scient. pol. (MSc in Political
Science). Thus the department offers both an undergraduate degree (BSc in
Political Science) and a postgraduate degree (MSc in Political Science).
Currently the department is working towards an extension of degree
programmes, in particular English-taught MSc courses.
The graduates of this department are in high demand and they obtain
attractive jobs in public administration and in the private sector. The
research produced by the faculty has reached a high international level.
University of Copenhagen
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+45 35 32 33 66
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Γster Farimagsgade 5
DK-1353 Copenhagen , Denmark