IEEE Rebooting Computing

"Rebooting Computing" was coined by IEEE Life Fellow Peter Denning as part of his National Science Foundation-sponsored initiative to revamp computing education. In February 2009, Peter organized an invitational summit with participation from 200 visionary leaders from all sectors touched by computing. More details on the Rebooting Manifesto and the 2009 summit can be viewed at

The term was reinvented independently by our own co-Chair Tom Conte, and became an inspiration for a 2012 IEEE Future Directions working group to rethink the computer, "from soup to nuts," including all aspects from device to user interface. After getting agreement from Peter Denning, the working group took the name IEEE Rebooting Computing Initiative (

The RC Initiative works from a holistic viewpoint, taking into account evolutionary and revolutionary approaches. It sponsors RC Summits and co-sponsors workshops and conferences on related topics.

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IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

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