Welfare & Policy Conference #2, Bordeaux 2025





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This conference aims to bring together economists (and specialists in quantitative social psychology and political science) working on individual and collective behaviors, well-being and physical/mental health, public policy evaluation, theoretical and applied political economy, inequality and poverty, and related fields. 


In a world hit by repeated shocks (pandemics, conflicts, populism, natural disasters, etc.), social science research is crucial to better understand what determines behaviour, what affects well-being, and how policies should take these elements into account to improve the lot of all and the most vulnerable in particular. The Welfare & Policy conference is held every two years in Bordeaux, France, and aims to bring together researchers to pool their findings and extract important societal implications for our understanding of behaviour and well-being, and ultimately to help decision-makers design more equitable, effective and widely supported policies.

Contributions in various domains are welcome, and in particular on (but not restricted to):

  • Labor and nonmarket time uses, post-Covid trends and the role of labor market policies and family policies
  • Determinants of health & mental health, and the role of health and social systems
  • Inequalities, their perception and the relation with well-being, political orientation, social unrest...
  • New forms of poverty, adaptation and the limits of resilience
  • How fiscal and social systems reduce inequality (across people or generations), quickly respond to shocks, or adapt to new inequalities (such as those engendered by climate change or forced migration)
  • How shocks change behavior, trust, values…, and consequences for the sustainability of welfare systems
  • Social media, the diffusion and manipulation of information, and life with populism
  • Negative emotions and the tradeoff between security, freedom & democratic support
  • Perception of global warming, green policies and behavioral changes versus inertia, denial, etc.
  • Normative work on policy/political transformations aimed at promoting peace, democracy and stability

Keynote speakers: Andrea Weber (Central European University, Vienna) & Matthew Sutton (University of Manchester)

Submission guideline: A full paper or an abstract must be sent before February 1, 2025 to contact@wapsociety.org (the name of the pdf file should begin with the corresponding author’s last name). We also encourage submissions of complete sessions (4 papers) with indication of the name of the corresponding chairperson. Decisions will be communicated by Feb. 15th and registrations will be opened until April 15th.


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16 Av. Léon Duguit

33600 Pessac , Francia