1st Workshop on Economic Diplomacy by the DA Vienna, AGDA and DKU





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Call for Papers: Joint Workshop on Economic Diplomacy by the Diplomatic Academy Vienna, Anwar Gargash Diplomatic Academy and Dankook University

The international landscape is undergoing a significant shift, increasingly influenced by the deployment of economic diplomacy tools. Recent events have cast a spotlight on the potency of these tools. From trade tensions between China and the US to the imposition of sanctions in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, and the consumer boycotts in response to the Gaza conflict. These developments signal a shift towards leveraging economic mechanisms as pivotal elements of diplomacy and conflict resolution.

The Diplomatic Academy Vienna (DA Vienna), the Anwar Gargash Diplomatic Academy (AGDA) and Dankook University (DKU) are pleased to announce a call for papers for the 1st edition of their annual workshop on Economic Diplomacy. The workshop aims to gather scholars and policymakers to enhance our comprehension of economic diplomacy. 

The workshop will be held at the DA Vienna on October 24-25, 2024. In addition to presentations of selected papers, the event will include a keynote speech by policymakers and distinguished experts in economic diplomacy.

The organizing committee invites authors to submit papers on topics including, but not limited to:

  • The evolving role of economic diplomats and embassies in advancing a nation's economic interests abroad, including opening markets, attracting foreign investment, and promoting exports.
  • The evolving role of economic sanctions and trade policies as diplomatic levers.
  • Consumer movements and their impact on international trade and diplomacy.
  • The use of foreign aid in diplomatic relations and its implications for international development.
  • The role of sovereign wealth funds in global economic diplomacy and their influence on international investment trends.
  • Other Aspects of Economic Statecraft in Bilateral and Multilateral Relationships

Interested authors should submit their paper by August 1, 2024 to 

 Authors whose papers have been selected will be contacted by September 1, 2024. Please note that we will only accept full drafts of papers, not abstracts.

Registration Fees 

There is no registration fee for the workshop. We are unable to provide funding for travel or accommodation, but we will provide catering during the workshop. 

Scientific Committee: 

  • Martin Feldkircher (DA Vienna), 
  • Katja Kalkschmied (DA Vienna),
  • Ahmed Rashad (AGDA)
  • Muhamad S. Olimat (AGDA) 
  • Christian Haefke (New York University Abu Dhabi)
  • Moamen Gouda  (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
  • Mansokku Lee (State University of New York)

We are looking forward to receiving your papers and welcoming you in Vienna! 

The Scientific Committee






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