Misericordia University

Why choose Misericordia for your online nursing degree?

An advanced nursing degree from Misericordia gives you more than a high-quality, values-based education. You get a partner in your professional development — one committed to creating your personalized path for growth.

Here’s what else you can expect as one of our online nursing students:

A challenge

Put your skills to work as you complete intensive workshops and advanced simulations with individualized faculty feedback.

To learn from front line clinicians

Your professors are active clinicians and maintain a pulse on advanced practice trends

A renewed focus on wellness and prevention

Learn to impact the health of populations through evidence-based practicums.

Personal attention

The student-to-faculty ratio in your classes is intentionally kept small to ensure you receive personalized attention.

A flexible learning experience

Enjoy the convenience of an online experience that allows you to complete coursework online and access materials 24/7.

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655 K Street NW, Suite 750

Washington, D.C., US