The University of Chile was the first Chilean University that established a
School of Economics and Business. The Faculty is focused on training the
leaders of the future. The Facultiy has as purpose to train competent leaders
who are equipped with the basic knowledge and skills in the areas of
economics and business, capable to carry out duties in Chile and in other
countries. Moreover, the business school generates relevant knowledge in the
area of economics and business to support the competitiveness of the country.
All students are inspired to become influential participants at the level of
national detabe and capable of contributing the society with valuable ideas.
The principles are: rigor, academic excellence and intellectual diversity.
Related Institutions
University of Chile
- Graduate School of Economics and Business, University of Chile
- Center for Applied Economics, University of Chile
- Institute of International Studies, University of Chile
- Department of Economics, University of Chile
- Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Chile
- Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, University of Chile
Contact Information
Contact Email
+56 2 29783911 - +56 2 29783949
Contact Phone
Diagonal Paraguay 205 / 257
14187 Santiago , Chile