About the journal
Journal of Business Finance & Accounting publishes high quality research papers in accounting, corporate finance, corporate governance and their interfaces. JBFA sponsors an annual Capital Markets Conference, with conference papers being published in a Special Issue each year. JBFA has been published since 1974 and is included in the Social Science Citation Index and Current Contents/Social & Behavioral Sciences.
Impact Factor
Peter F. Pope and Andrew Stark
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The personal subscription price is €240.
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Aims and scope
Journal of Business Finance and Accounting exists to publish high quality research papers in accounting, corporate finance, corporate governance and their interfaces. The interfaces are relevant in many areas such as financial reporting and communication, valuation, financial performance measurement and managerial reward and control structures. A feature of JBFA is that it recognises that informational problems are pervasive in financial markets and business organisations, and that accounting plays an important role in resolving such problems.
JBFA welcomes both theoretical and empirical contributions. Nonetheless, theoretical papers should yield novel testable implications, and empirical papers should be theoretically well-motivated. The Editors view accounting and finance as being closely related to economics and, as a consequence, papers submitted will often have theoretical motivations that are grounded in economics. JBFA, however, also seeks papers that complement economics-based theorising with theoretical developments originating in other social science disciplines or traditions.
While many papers in JBFA use econometric or related empirical methods, the Editors also welcome contributions that use other empirical research methods.
Although the scope of JBFA is broad, it is not a suitable outlet for highly abstract mathematical papers, or empirical papers with inadequate theoretical motivation. Also, papers that study asset pricing, or the operations of financial markets, should have direct implications for one or more of preparers, regulators, users of financial statements, and corporate financial decision makers, or at least should have implications for the development of future research relevant to such users.
All article submissions should be made online - see the author guidelines for further information.
Information for authors
Once you have prepared your submission in accordance with the Guidelines, manuscripts should be submitted online at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jbfa.
The submission system will prompt you to use an ORCID iD (a unique author identifier) to help distinguish your work from that of other researchers. Click here to find out more.
Click here for more details on how to use ScholarOne.
For help with submissions, please contact: JBFAedoffice@wiley.com.
We look forward to your submission.
Submission fee
A submission fee of 200 US dollars is required, to be paid by credit or debit card (via PayPal) as part of the online submission process. After submitting your article, you will receive an email with instructions and a link to the PayPal site. Please email the Editors on editors.jbfa@gmail.com once you have made the payment, quoting the JBFA manuscript number, together with the name and email address of the person making the payment to PayPal. An electronic receipt will be emailed to the author(s) on completion of the electronic submission process and payment of the submission fee.
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By submitting a manuscript to or reviewing for this publication, your name, email address, and affiliation, and other contact details the publication might require, will be used for the regular operations of the publication, including, when necessary, sharing with the publisher (Wiley) and partners for production and publication. The publication and the publisher recognize the importance of protecting the personal information collected from users in the operation of these services, and have practices in place to ensure that steps are taken to maintain the security, integrity, and privacy of the personal data collected and processed. You can learn more at https://authorservices.wiley.com/statements/data-protection-policy.html.
Abstracting and Indexing Information
- ABI/INFORM Collection (ProQuest)
- Accounting, Tax & Banking Collection (ProQuest)
- Business ASAP (GALE Cengage)
- Business Premium Collection (ProQuest)
- Current Contents: Social & Behavioral Sciences (Clarivate Analytics)
- EconLit (AEA)
- Emerald Management Reviews (Emerald)
- Expanded Academic ASAP (GALE Cengage)
- InfoTrac (GALE Cengage)
- Journal Citation Reports/Social Science Edition (Clarivate Analytics)
- Periodical Index Online (ProQuest)
- Proquest Business Collection (ProQuest)
- ProQuest Central (ProQuest)
- ProQuest Politics Collection (ProQuest)
- ProQuest Sociology Collection (ProQuest)
- RePEc: Research Papers in Economics
- SCOPUS (Elsevier)
- Social Science Premium Collection (ProQuest)
- Social Sciences Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics)
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