- Study Advice Article, Career Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
4 Ideas to Promote Your Research
When you have important research to share, speaking at a conference is one of the best ways to network, create connections, and make your voice heard—but with so many people competing for attention, sometimes it can feel more like a drop in a bucket. In times like this, you need a secret weapon—something that makes your presentation stand out and ensures that audience members will remember it enough to take action. Check out our conference listings
- Blog Post
- Posted 6 years ago
The 5 Most Famous Conferences Ever
Conferences have been a force for development and diplomacy on the international stage throughout the twentieth century. Here are five of the most famous conferences which have shaped our modern world. Download the Conference Monkey Directory - 6 Month Conference List
- Study Advice Article, Career Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
How to best keep your notes organised while reading scientific papers
Every academic seems to be perpetually carrying around a huge stack of papers to read, but it can be tough to keep track of all of the notes that you write when you read these papers. Here are five ways to keep your notes organised, whether you're reading at home or travelling to a conference. Download the Conference Monkey Directory - 6 Month Conference List
- Study Advice Article, Career Advice Article, Study Abroad Article
- Posted 6 years ago
Top 8 Education Conference In Europe 2018
Learning and education professionals and researchers should be sure to check out these top conferences in education being held in Europe in 2018: Download the Conference Monkey Directory - 6 Month Conference List
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
The Soft Skills You Need At Conferences And How To Develop Them
Conferences are a test not just of your subject knowledge, but also of your soft skills. We've talked before about the kind of soft skills you need at a conference – such as oral presentation, networking, and time management. But what do you do if you're unsure about your soft skills? How can you practice these skills before you attend a conference? Here are some ideas on developing your soft skills to give you confidence the next conference you attend.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
8 Benefits of Attending Conferences
Conferences are an essential part of academic life, but with all of the focus on getting papers accepted and the stress of presenting or giving talks, they can sometimes feel like an overwhelming or even scary experience. This, however, should not deter you, there are countless great reasons to attend a conference! Here are 8 ways conferences can change your life.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
How to Organise a Conference
Organising a conference can be an extremely rewarding experience. Not only can sitting around debating for a few days with a bunch of academics and experts be greatly intellectually stimulating, conferences are also a chance to learn new, predominantly soft, skills, as well as being advantageous for your career. However, organising a conference is no small feat. A lot of thought and careful planning goes towards getting together so many people, and not only from a thematic point of view - there's also promotion, social media, and logistical details like heating and lunch.
- Study Advice Article, Career Advice Article, Blog Post, Ranking
- Posted 6 years ago
6 Tips for Using Social Media at a Conference
Most academics have professional social media accounts now, but these aren't always used as effectively as they could be. Here are 6 ways to get the most from social media when you're attending a conference. If you're heading to a conference this year and need some light relief, check out our piece on the ten best jokes heard at academic conferences.
- Study Advice Article, Career Advice Article, Study Abroad Article, Blog Post, Work Abroad Article, Ranking
- Posted 6 years ago
10 Top US Academic Conferences in 2018
The USA is one of the top locations in the world for international academic conferences. Whether you're working in business, computing, neuroscience, geography, or the humanities, you'll find some of the largest conferences in your field are held in the US.
- Study Advice Article, Career Advice Article, Study Abroad Article, Work Abroad Article
- Posted 6 years ago
Top 5 Economics Conferences in the US in 2018
In every academic field, it is important that you take time to learn about different conferences that are happening in your field. Attending a conference allows you to find out about important new research and to get feedback on your work – not to mention the value of networking with other researchers and experts in academia and industry. If you are looking for an economics conference to attend in the US this year, then we recommend that you take a look at the following top conferences:
- Study Advice Article, Career Advice Article, Study Abroad Article, Blog Post, Work Abroad Article, Ranking
- Posted 6 years ago
10 Best Jokes Heard at Conferences
Academic conferences are serious professional events, but that doesn't mean that they have to be totally devoid of fun! In fact, one of the great things about conferences is getting to know your fellow researchers face to face, and this is often easier when you're in a more informal environment. Between conferences dinners, parties, and other social events, there should be some time for fun as well as for work at a conference.
- Study Advice Article, Career Advice Article, Study Abroad Article, Blog Post, Work Abroad Article, Ranking
- Posted 6 years ago
10 Best Jokes Heard at Conferences
Academic conferences are serious professional events, but that doesn't mean that they have to be totally devoid of fun! In fact, one of the great things about conferences is getting to know your fellow researchers face to face, and this is often easier when you're in a more informal environment. Between conferences dinners, parties, and other social events, there should be some time for fun as well as for work at a conference.
- Study Advice Article, Career Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
Top 5 Economics Conferences in Europe in 2018
Whether you are a student or a senior researcher in economics, attending conferences is a vital part of your academic career. As well as being able to present your work as a talk or as a poster, you can attend the presentations of other researchers to learn about the latest news and developments in your field. But more than that, conferences are a chance to discuss your topic with fellow experts and to get to know new people and to expand your network.
- Study Advice Article, Career Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
A Guide to Asking Good Questions at Conferences
When you attend a conference, you can benefit not only from hearing about new research and networking with other academics, but also from engaging in discussion and debate with your fellow attendees. It's a rare chance to have researchers in your field from all over the world gathered in one place, so you should take up this opportunity to talk with them. One excellent way to engage in discussions is by staying for the question and answer session at the end of a talk or poster. Usually, there will be some time set aside at the end of a talk for comments from the audience.
- Study Advice Article, Career Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
Top 5 History Conferences in Europe 2018
As an academic, in order to promote your own work and to learn about the work being done by others in your field, it's essential that you attend conferences. This is especially true of disciplines like history which can be performed individually rather than as part of a research group. You need contact with other researchers in order to motivate yourself and to understand the broader context of debates currently being held in your field.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
Smart Networking During Academic Conferences
We've talked before about how conferences are a great opportunity to network as well as to hear about the latest research in your field and to present your own work to the academic community. But how can you make the most of your networking opportunities while you are at a conference? What's the best way to make contacts and to keep in touch when you meet someone who could be a part of your network? Here are our tips on smart networking during academic conferences. Ask questions after talks