- Fighting Hunger
- Posted 3 years ago
How Engineers are Helping to Solve the Global Food Crisis
The world is beset by intertwined crises: the climate, pandemic, and, increasingly, a crisis in the global food supply. It’s prosaic to say, but as the world’s population increases, more food is needed to sustain it. And regardless of the population size, humanity will only ever have the same amount of land on which to produce its food. This, as one may expect, is a growing tension. Luckily, engineers of all stripes are busy using their expertise, conjuring up innovative solutions to address the issue. Here we take a look at some of the most impressive.
- Is it Still a Boys Club?
- Posted 3 years ago
Women in Engineering
Long gone are the days when women were believed to have no place in the workforce. In the United States today, women make up 49% of the college-educated workforce. However, despite this encouraging number, careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) remain severely lacking when it comes to females in the field. Let’s break down why that is, and how it can change.
- Nature Careers Funding
- Posted 4 years ago
Supporting the scientific community with access to international funding and grants opportunities
Here at Nature Careers we’re always looking for ways to provide assistance to the scientific community worldwide in order to help researchers to have a rewarding career.
- Career Advice Article
- Posted 5 years ago
Can You Work As An Engineer And Travel Full Time?
Remote work can save you $7000 a year because of not having to spend so much on commuting, food, clothing and childcare. Many 'location independent' workers decide to spend this saved money on travel, since they are able to work from anywhere and have always wanted to see more of the world. Does this sound like your dream job? The problem is that not all jobs can be done remotely. Luckily for you, however, engineering work absolutely can. Demand for trained engineers is increasing, and companies know they can cut costs and increase output and employee retention by offering remote work. You just have to know how to find it.
- Study Advice Article, Career Advice Article
- Posted 6 years ago
4 Ideas to Promote Your Research
When you have important research to share, speaking at a conference is one of the best ways to network, create connections, and make your voice heard—but with so many people competing for attention, sometimes it can feel more like a drop in a bucket. In times like this, you need a secret weapon—something that makes your presentation stand out and ensures that audience members will remember it enough to take action. Check out our conference listings
- Blog Post
- Posted 6 years ago
World Conference on Human Rights 1993
When thinking about conferences, we most often discuss academic conferences. However, throughout the twentieth century, the conference was an important meeting format for politicians and diplomats as well as academics. Some of the most important historical events of the century involved conference meetings which had a huge impact on national and international policy. One such key conference was the World Conference on Human Rights in 1993, which was the first human rights conference since the end of the Cold War and which was instrumental in specifying universal human rights.
- Private Company / Industry
New Engineer
in Berlin, Germany -
- Private Company / Industry
Tetra Tech
in Pasadena, United States -
- Private Company / Industry
HDR., Inc
in Omaha, United States -
- Consulting / Legal Firm
in Amsterdam, Netherlands -
- Private Company / Industry
in London, United Kingdom -
- University / College
Technische Universität Berlin
- Association / NGO, University / College
University of Wisconsin–Madison
in Madison, United States -
- University / College
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
in Wels, Austria -
- University / College
University of British Columbia
in Vancouver, Canada -
- University / College
Old Dominion University
in Norfolk, United States -
- Research Institute
Engineering Institute of Technology
in West Perth, Australia -
- University / College
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
- University / College
Georgia Institute of Technology
in Atlanta, United States -
- Consulting / Legal Firm, University / College
University of Southern Queensland
in Toowoomba, Australia